Saturday, January 30, 2010

Singapore spirit??!!

Hello all my loyal followers(3... and counting), this shall be the first official post that i'm required to do. Yes that means above 200 words to read!(Not including those that I just crapped about...) Anyways back to this post's topic- Singapore Spirit.

What is it you may ask. Is it the food we claim as ours? Or is it the red and white outfits we don each year to remind ourselves that more of us are older than the nation?(Yes that means you parents>.>) Or is it even the infamous SINGLISH which we have come to know and love? Well, to me it is a mere facade, an excuse we use to do ungracious, selfish things in the community.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are on a train, sitting down minding your own business during rush hour? All of a sudden, a pregnant lady(not a man) enters the carriage you are in. You might be thinking, "Jackpot! Not this carriage..". Well everyone sitting will feel the same( that is if they too are able-bodied beings). Should you give up your seat? Maybe. You look around. People suddenly interested in their books, hand held devices, some suddenly feeling weary and dozing off. What do you do? Feeling out of place, one's natural reaction would be to follow suite. Hence you shift to a comfortable position and "doze off".

People assume, that since everyone is doing the same thing, why not follow? Think again, if just ONE person gives up his seat, the rest will not have to. The "herd" symptom is evident in Singapore. Just follow each other and stay out of trouble or unwanted attention. You don't see people in other countries doing this. Social etiquette is important if we want to fully integrate into a Third-World country. I think i'm going off topic... So here is me signing off with one last piece of advice- Give up your seat, or your picture might be next on STOMP...xD


  1. Change your font. It's killing my eyes DX

  2. I agree with Wei Heng. Your fonts are too small!

    Anyway, I agree with you. I recently did a post on "Rules on the bus go round and round" as I really could not stand the sight of inconsiderate people. (You can find it in my blog between Review Monday and Newsunday.) I once gave up a seat to an elderly woman in a crowded bus. I felt contended afterwards.

    What irks me is the situation where Person A gets up to give up his seat to Person B, but Person C sits instead. What do you think about it?


  3. Yeah, change your font...

    Inconsideration? Singaporeans have been living in the luxury of life, no disasters, no 4 seasons, nothing. People here tend to get over-luxurious, and started to become selfish. If they were to go to Haiti for example and live there, they will probably see, yeee, so dirty. The fact is the worse is not that, it is the shortage of food. In Singapore, we eat sleep, sleep eat, happy tummies. In Haiti, they want to eat, but have no food or very little and limited food.

  4. You changed your font.

    I wanted to post this before you changed it:
    "You are the inconsiderate one!"

